
Fine Motor skills are those skills that require the small muscles of the hand to work together to perform precise and refined movements.
By the time a child goes to school, there are many fine motor skills that they generally demonstrate in a well-integrated way. Depending on the child's previous experience and exposure to different activities, the quality of these skills might vary; however, at this age and with ongoing stimulation, practice, and exposure, the quality of a child's fine motor skills will continue to develop through childhood.

The ability to use both hands during writing or school-related activities is often overlooked when discussing handwriting. Can the inability to use your hands in a coordinated way, influence the way you write, cut, colour, and play? In short, the answer is a resounding YES!

Hoekom draai sommige kinders hul syfers om wanneer hul skryf? Menige ouers en juffrouens het al hierdie vraag gevra! "Hoe gemaak met kinders wat getalle omkeer wanneer hulle skryf?" Dit is soms werklik 'n frustrasie as ʼn mens sien dat 'n leerder die som kan doen, maar dat dit verkeerd gemerk word, omdat die syfer of antwoord verkeerde kant om geskryf is.

I have been asked this question many times by concerned parents and teachers. "Why do some children reverse their numbers and letters when they write?" It is so frustrating to know that a child can do the math, but the answer is incorrect, because it was written the wrong way around!