The Spatial Planning Activity Set is designed to support children's spatial perceptual development and was designed by an occupational therapist.
Spatial perception is the ability to perceive an object's position in relation to yourself or in relation to other objects. It implies the ability to perceive which way an object or symbol is positioned/turned. Spatial perception helps a child sequence letters and numbers correctly, such as "swim" and not "siwm." It helps a child orientate and write letters and numbers correctly and not to reverse letters and figures when writing, (for example, b and d).
Difficulties in these areas will lead to poor understanding of spatial concepts and instructions such as left, right, between, next to, front, or behind. Reversals of numbers and letters, difficulty understanding graphs, maps, and diagrams are often observed. Children who struggle with spatial perception might write things upside down or the wrong way round without noticing. Other challenges might include struggling with the spacing of words, writing in lines, and written work layout.
Hierdie hulpmiddel sluit die volgende in.
- Werkboek met 26 ruimtelike persepsie aktiwiteite
- 2 Stelle aktiwiteits-kaarte (12 voorbeelde elk)
- Roomysstokkies
- Gewone stokkies
- Klei
Aktiwiteits boks word gratis afgelewer in Kaapstad. Aflewering per courier in res van Suid- Afrika R89 (deur tot deur)
Hierdie produk is nie taalgebonde nie en kan deur beide Engels en Afrikaanse leerders benut word.
Spesiale afslag vir grootmaat aankope of klaskamer gebruik is beskikbaar. Spesiale aanbieding op klaskamer stelle (10 eenhede) teen R850 aflewering ingesluit. Kontak ons gerus vir verder navrae
Indien u hierdie hulpmiddel in PDF formaat wil aankoop en self druk volg gerus die skakel . SPATIAL PLANNING PDF