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About Us

As  occupational therapists we are passionate about children and early development. Writing ability entails so much more than just fine motor skills. There are many foundational skills necessary to enable neat, legible writing with appropriate speed, spacing and quality.
WriteAbility aims to support teachers, therapists and parents with information, tools and therapeutic home and classroom activities to support and develop all aspects of writing skills for children from Grade R to Grade 3. 



If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life!

Dedre van Wyngaard Occupational Therapist. (M.Occ.Ther)  

Occupational therapist, educational consultant and part time lecturer at the University of  Stellenbosch.

About the Founder: Dedre is an Occupational Therapist with a Masters degree in occupational therapy. She is passionate about early intervention and has a special interest in Pediatrics, Sensory Integration and ADHD. She has more than 20 years experience in early childhood development and has worked in private practice, special education as well as public school settings.

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